E25: Amanda Verhoff – Association of Luxury Suite Directors

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Episode Twenty Five: Everyone in the sports industry know about the Association of Luxury Suite Directors’ once per-year conference where premium teams across all North American sports gather to present trends in the Premium operation of the sports business. We sit down for coffee or beer with the President of ALSD, Amanda Verhoff.

“Premium” refers to the high-end, luxury seating in sports often including private seats, front-row seating and “club seats”. Amanda shares over exactly how the teams uses her conference to not only grow THEIR business, but all of our ours.

Amanda tells us about her sports life of working for a sports conference her entire professional career. Going from interning with the conference in college, to now serving as president.

ALSD corporate offices are based in Cincinnati, Ohio and the conference partakes in different cities each summer. You can learn more and apply for registration at ALSD.com

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